Here we are on the day of the biggest and most historic presidential election in history. Saturday night, we sat in a jazz club with friends in the village and listened to a woman and old man sing the blues. The older man talked about how he could not believe he lived to see the day where an African-American man could run for the highest office in the land. Craig and I got very emotional.
Today I write from the heart to proudly announce Craig and I have both voted absentee for Senator Barack Obama to be the next President of the Unites States of America. This man is incredible. He represents progress and hope. He will break borders and stereotypes. He will change the world.
Craig and I are not people who would have sat back fifty years ago. We would have fought for civil rights. We would have taken a stand. We would have marched on Washington. We would have protested for peace.
But we were not alive during those moments in history. This is our time, our opportunity to change the future of this country.
Please join us today in voting for the voice of our generation. Please stand and make a difference and vote for change! The world will be a better place with Barack Obama as our next President.
With love,
Azizah and Craig Rowen
Azizah (democrat)
Craig (independent and self-proclaimed "reformed republican"